Brayden Carter Naus

Monday, January 29, 2007

First Haircut!

We could not wait any longer to get Brayden's haircut. He had a little tail growing in the back and his bangs were in his eyes. It was time!!! Snip-its in The Forum is the cutest place for kids.

His nanny rewarded him with a lollipop for being so good!

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Last Day of Therapy!

Brayden was referred to a physical therapist at 4 months for Torticollis. Torticollis is a condition in which the head is tilted toward one side, and the chin is elevated and turned toward the opposite side. Carol, his therapist, was amazing with him. Treatment consists of stretching exercises to get his neck muscles evened out. Brayden enjoyed therapy, especially the swing! Carol released him today!!!

The rotovirus is FINALLY out of our house. Brayden had the virus for 10 long days. He lost 2 pounds. He will gain it back in no time now that he has his appetite back!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Getting Better...

We thought Brayden was getting better last week but he actually got worse before getting better. We had to take him to Scottish Rite last Thursday because he was dehydrated from this horrible virus. He was on an IV for 2 hours. He is slowly getting back to his happy, playful self.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Sick Baby!

Brayden has had a tough week. I had to take him to the doctor the Friday after surgery because he was crying and tugging on his ear. The Doctor put him on an antibiotic for an ear infection. Then on Sunday he came down with a stomach bug. He is still sick but trying so hard to fight it. This virus is MEAN! Derek & I both came down with it on Monday and we thought we were going to die. It breaks my heart to see my baby so sick.

The good news is Brayden started crawling the day of his surgery. He had been doing the army crawl for weeks but decided to pick up the knees and crawl. His new thing is pulling himself up into the standing position. He loves to stand. He is our little explorer and has just learned to climb the stairs!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


We survived Brayden's circumcision revision surgery! Brayden had his last bottle before surgery Monday night at 9:00 pm so he was a hungry guy yesterday morning. He was a trooper and did not cry one time. Derek & I took him back to the pre-op room and changed him into his stylish little hospital gown and waited. When it was time to go back to the operating room only one of us could take him back so of course I wanted to go with him. The nurse put a little mask over his nose and mouth and his eyes began to fill up with tears. I tried to keep it together so Brayden wouldn't see me lose it and then my eyes began to fill up with tears. I leaned over and whispered in his ear, "you will be fine and everything will be over real soon". He fell asleep and I had to leave the room so the anesthesiologist could come in. The surgery was over in 15 mins and everything went fine. Derek and I went back to the recovery room about 30 mins after surgery. Brayden was so happy to see us but even happier to see his bottle!

Monday, January 08, 2007

Happy 2007!

We celebrated the New Year by spending time in Seaside Fl.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Brayden's 1st Christmas!

We hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas! Sharing Christmas with Brayden was unforgetable. Although he has no concept of Christmas or Santa, he sure had a blast tearing into his presents. We think he enjoyed the wrapping paper more than the actual gifts! Next year will be another story!!!