Brayden Carter Naus

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Posing for the camera...

Brayden gave me the best gift for Mother's Day...A new camera! I love it! I have been getting some great pictures. I will try to update more but the time just goes by so fast! Brayden is doing great. He is running around everywhere. He is getting his molars in but has been a real trooper. His new word is bite-bite. He still loves to eat. He will clean his plate then want mommy and daddy's food too!

Monday, May 07, 2007


Brayden is officially walking. We thought we had our hands full when he was crawling!

Brayden had his one year check up today. He weighs 24 pounds and is 30 inches long! He is in the 75% for both. The doctor said his ears look perfect!!!

Birthday Party!

Brayden had some friends over for his birthday celebration. His favorite part...the cake! He would have finished the whole cake if we didn't take it away!

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Brayden is 1...

Our little boy is growing so fast. We can't believe he is already one! We have had an amazing year watching Brayden grow and learn. He is so smart and happy. His personality is one of a kind. When this boy gets excited, he puts on a show. Brayden is walking for the most part but when he wants to get somewhere fast he hits the floor to crawl. He will walk from room to room looking like little frankenstein with his arms held out for balance....SO CUTE! He likes to hear his voice so he talks and jabbers all the time. We read to him every night and he is beginning to love books! He will pick up a book and turn the pages while jabbering (he can read)!

Brayden has had several ear infections in the past few months so we took him to an ear,nose, and throat specialist. They recommened tubes for Brayden's ears so he had the surgery two weeks ago. He is already doing much better.

Brayden loves Barney! He BORROWED Fischer's barney doll and has not returned it yet. I can't get it out of his hands long enough! Barney goes with us everywhere. Derek, Brayden and I went to the lake for a picnic and guess who joined us...BARNEY!