Brayden Carter Naus

Friday, November 17, 2006

Our trip to Naples, Fl.

Brayden is a great little traveler. We were unsure about flying with him at such a young age but he proved to us and the other passengers that he was a trooper. We went to our cousin Tonya's wedding on the beach and it was gorgeous. The weekend flew by and the next thing we knew it was time for our 10 hour drive home! Brayden was an angel. He played, slept, ate and watched his baby Einstein movie. He only got fussy about 20 mins. the entire trip. I guess we all, especially Brayden, enjoyed our stops to get out and stretch our legs. Brayden had everyone in Steak-N-Shake laughing.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Brayden & Charlie

Charlie is here! Deidre & Brian are the proud new parents of Charlie Beaudette. Charlie was born on the evening of November 3rd. Brayden and Charlie are only six months apart. Little do these guys know, that they will one day be inseparable just like Deidre and I.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

6 months!

Where does time go? It seems like yesterday we were bringing Brayden home from the hospital and now he is 6 months! He weighs 18 pounds! We just started him on stage 2 baby foods. His favorite is Turkey and Sweet Potatoes. He is on a great schedule. He has 4 bottles a day and now he eats baby food for breakfast, lunch and dinner. A typical day for Brayden: 8am bottle, breakfast (fruit), 12pm bottle, lunch (vegetable), 4pm bottle, 7pm dinner (fruit, veggie & meat), 8pm bottle, bath and bed. He LOVES to eat. Brayden is not crazy about taking naps but after fighting it he will sleep for 20-30 mins. He makes up for his lack of sleep during the day at night with his 11 to 12 hours! YEAH!!!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Brayden's First Halloween!

Brayden had his friends over to celebrate their first halloween! It was so much fun seeing all of the babies in their costumes. Doug and Kristen's "tootsie roll" Jacob, John and Ashley's "strawberry" Baxley, John and Lesley's "Nemo" Fischer, Our "Clown" Brayden, Wil and Bonnie's "puppy" William, Josh and Anna's "butterfly" Ansley. It was a group effort getting this picture!