Brayden Carter Naus

Sunday, July 30, 2006


Brayden is almost 3 months old. Time is flying by! Everyday we notice him doing something new. He looks SO much like Derek now with the big brown eyes. He is laughing now and it is the sweetest thing ever. He laughs when I play pattie cake with him and when Derek dances for him! He is such a happy baby and smiles all the time. The only time he gets fussy is when he's hungry. He eats about every 4 hours and is STILL waking up in the middle of the night. He is out-growing his bassinet. Soon we are moving him to his crib. We bought him a Bumbo chair, the best invention in the world, and he loves it! It is really good for their posture and helps strengthen his neck muscles. He sits on the countertop and watches me cook. We will keep you all updated on our growing boy!

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Our New Family!

Brayden had his 2 month Doctor's appointment and he is doing great! He weighs 12lbs 1oz and is now 23.5 inches long. He is always laughing and saying goo. He is such a happy baby and we are truly blessed!!!